Chiara's son Lirinë born in the end of April is still looking for a home. 

And our Greek princess Shoushou gave birth to three little gemstones in the end of June. 

    • Plans:

    In autumn or winter we hope for another litter from Jurema, and maybe also from her sweet daughter Khandro. The father is not sure yet, both are family with Caracal (Khandro also with Diri), and Diri is wearing a Suprelorin chip and uninterested in the girls.

    The Helvetic Cat Club determines the initial letter of all kittens of the year. Our babies get a second name, whose initial letter follows the alphabet. By coincidence Thuraya's first litter was born in an A-year, so our first litter was A-A. A lovely beginning of a new feline era of my life.

    On their site the babies follow the order of their birth, the first born on the left. Each kitten has its own gallery, just click on its picture and enjoy.